/ Investor Relations & Media / Corporate Governance
Trust Comes
Corporate Governance Report
Wing Tai is committed to enhancing corporate governance, transparency and accountability to protect our stakeholders. We firmly believe in conducting our business with high standards of integrity and responsibility to enhance our long-term growth and our shareholders’ interests.
Our stringent polices, structures and processes are guided by the principles and provisions of the Code of Corporate Governance issued by the Monetary Authority of Singapore in 2018.
Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct guides the actions of our employees and individuals when conducting business on behalf of the company.
Whistleblowing Policy
Our whistleblowing policy encourages our employees or any other parties to report unlawful, unethical or fraudulent activities or practices in strict confidence.
Concerns may be raised via the following channels:
A written letter under Private & Confidential cover to
Chairman of the Audit & Risk Committee
3 Killiney Road, #10-01, Winsland House I
Singapore 239519